Pasta maker Sant’Isidoro

After decades of house making pasta for the family, Mrs Mafalda Vittorina Pala decided to open a small pasta factory in Morgongiori in order to open up the Lorighittas famous village tradition to the public.
Lorighittas is a hand-made semolina pasta typical of the small village of Morgongiori and it is renewed for its simple taste, shape and beauty. Originally made only for the Catholic holiday of Ognissanti (1st of November) it became a renewed and special pasta, used by major chefs all over Italy with both meat and fish sauces.
The traditional recipe is with tomato sauce and free-range cockerel, but any sauce is magnified by this special semolina pasta.
Lorighittas in Sardinian language means “ring”, because this special pasta looks like a jewel. Lorighittas are still made only in Morgongiori and only by hand. To an experienced pasta maker it took about 4 hours to make a kilo of this old traditional pasta.